C’est le Jour de l’An : fête de Sainte-Marie, mère de Dieu, et 50èmejournée mondiale de la paix !
Ce matin nous avons participé à la Sainte Messe dans l’église paroissiale de Feriole. Avec nous il y avait les fidèles de la paroisse et les familles d’accueil.
Tout de suite après, les amis de la FLM sont partis : eh oui, la rencontre s’est déjà terminée, le temps a volé, mais les liens restent aussi bien que la reconnaissance pour tout ce que l’on a vécu ensemble.
Dans l’après-midi on a participé à la Marche pour la Paix, organisée chaque année à Padoue par des associations et des mouvements du Diocèse. Aussi l’évêque de Padoue était là. Par cette marche, qui a eu lieu dans les rues du centre-ville, on a demandé la paix dans le monde, accompagnés du message proposé par le Pape François pour la journée mondiale : « La non-violence : style d’une politique pour la paix ».
L’équipe qui a organisé cette manifestation était au courant de notre présence et elle nous a donné la possibilité, en tant que laïcs SMA, de donner un témoignage sur ce thème pendant la marche : merci à Steve qui s’est lancé et qui a parlé de son expérience en Afrique !
Dans les prochains jours tous les participants rentreront dans leurs pays, dans leur réalité de vie, enrichis par les partages vécus ensembles, sûrement conscients d’appartenir à une grande famille, désireux d’avancer dans notre chemin missionnaire au niveau local aussi bien qu’international, en communion avec les pères SMA et les sœurs NDA.
MERCI aux amis néerlandais et aux laïcs des autres pays qui les aideront dans une première phase de passage.
MERCI aux pères qui nous nous ont accompagnés avant aussi bien que pendant cette rencontre.
MERCI de tout cœur à tous pour votre Oui, pour votre témoignage de vie, pour votre amitié.
Rendez-vous chaque premier vendredi du mois pour prier ensemble les uns pour les autres, pour confier à Dieu les pas qu’on a décidé d’entreprendre et le chemin qui nous conduira à la prochaine rencontre !
Et … n’oublions pas d’écrire sur ce blog !!!!
E’ il primo dell’anno: festa di Maria Santissima, madre di Dio, e cinquantesima giornata mondiale della pace!
Questa mattina abbiamo partecipato alla S. Messa nella chiesa parrocchiale di Feriole. Con noi vi erano i fedeli della parrocchia e le famiglie accoglienti.
Dopo la messa gli amici della FLM sono partiti: eh sì, l’incontro è già finito, il tempo è volato, ma i legami restano come anche la gratitudine per tutto ciò che abbiamo vissuto insieme.
Nel pomeriggio abbiamo partecipato alla Marcia per la Pace, organizzata ogni anno a Padova da associazioni e movimenti della diocesi. Assieme a noi vi era anche il vescovo di Padova. Con questa marcia, che si è svolta nelle vie del centro città, abbiamo chiesto la pace nel mondo, accompagnati dal messaggio di Papa Francesco per questa giornata mondiale: “Lanon-violenza: stile di una politica per la pace”.
L’equipe organizzatrice della manifestazione era a conoscenza della nostra partecipazione e ci ha dato la possibilità, come laici SMA, di donare una testimonianza su questo tema proprio durante la marcia. Grazie a Steve che si è lanciato ed ha parlato della sua esperienza in Africa!
Nei prossimi giorni tutti i partecipanti ritorneranno nei loro paesi, nella loro realtà di vita, arricchiti dalle condivisioni vissute assieme, sicuramente consapevoli di appartenere ad una grande famiglia, desiderosi di avanzare nel nostro cammino missionario sia a livello locale che internazionale, in comunione con i padri SMA e le suore NSA.
Grazie agli amici nederlandesi e ai laici degli altri paesi che li aiuteranno in una prima fase di passaggio.
Grazie ai padri che ci hanno accompagnato prima e durante questo incontro.
Grazie di cuore a tutti per il vostro Sì, per la vostra testimonianza di vita, per la vostra amicizia.
Appuntamento ogni primo venerdì del mese per pregare insieme gli uni per gli altri, per affidare a Dio i passi che abbiamo deciso di intraprendere et il cammino che ci condurrà al prossimo incontro!
E … non dimentichiamo di scrivere su questo blog!!!
It's New Year's Day: St. Mary's Day, Mother of God, and 50th World Day of Peace!This morning we participated in the Holy Mass in the parish church of Feriole. With us there were the faithful of the parish and the host families.Immediately afterwards, the friends of the LWF left: yes, the meeting has already ended, time has stolen, but the links remain as well as the recognition for all that we lived together.In the afternoon we participated in the March for Peace, organized each year in Padua by associations and movements of the Diocese. So the Bishop of Padua was there. This march, which took place in the streets of the city center, called for peace in the world, accompanied by the message proposed by Pope Francis for the World Day: "Non-violence: style of a policy for the peace ".The team that organized this event was aware of our presence and gave us the opportunity, as lay SMA, to give testimony on this theme during the march: thanks to Steve who started and who Talked about his experience in Africa!In the coming days, all the participants will return to their countries, in their reality of life, enriched by the shared experiences together, surely aware of belonging to a large family, eager to advance our missionary path at the local level as well as, International, in communion with SMA fathers and NDA sisters.THANK YOU to the Dutch friends and the lay persons of the other countries who will help them in a first phase of passage.THANKS to the fathers who accompanied us before as well as during this meeting.THANK YOU with all your heart for your Yes, for your testimony of life, for your friendship.Rendez-vous each first Friday of the month to pray together for each other, to entrust to God the steps we have decided to undertake and the path that will lead us to the next meeting!And ... let's not forget to write on this blog !!!!
It's New Year's Day: St. Mary's Day, Mother of God, and 50th World Day of Peace!This morning we participated in the Holy Mass in the parish church of Feriole. With us there were the faithful of the parish and the host families.Immediately afterwards, the friends of the LWF left: yes, the meeting has already ended, time has stolen, but the links remain as well as the recognition for all that we lived together.In the afternoon we participated in the March for Peace, organized each year in Padua by associations and movements of the Diocese. So the Bishop of Padua was there. This march, which took place in the streets of the city center, called for peace in the world, accompanied by the message proposed by Pope Francis for the World Day: "Non-violence: style of a policy for the peace ".The team that organized this event was aware of our presence and gave us the opportunity, as lay SMA, to give testimony on this theme during the march: thanks to Steve who started and who Talked about his experience in Africa!In the coming days, all the participants will return to their countries, in their reality of life, enriched by the shared experiences together, surely aware of belonging to a large family, eager to advance our missionary path at the local level as well as, International, in communion with SMA fathers and NDA sisters.THANK YOU to the Dutch friends and the lay persons of the other countries who will help them in a first phase of passage.THANKS to the fathers who accompanied us before as well as during this meeting.THANK YOU with all your heart for your Yes, for your testimony of life, for your friendship.Rendez-vous each first Friday of the month to pray together for each other, to entrust to God the steps we have decided to undertake and the path that will lead us to the next meeting!And ... let's not forget to write on this blog !!!!
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